Competing Value Model Framework, which is also known as CVM framework was developed in order to figure out the organizational effectiveness criteria. This criteria is in a position to create a differences in the internal and external flexibility, stability and culture of an organization.
In order to understand the functionality of Competing Value Model Framework, you should be aware of internal-external dimension and stability-flexibility dimension. The company will have an internal orientation, where they focus on collaboration, development, coordination and integration of activities. On the other hand, it will also have an external orientation, where they conduct market research, figure out what the competitors are doing, figuring out the latest technologies and understanding what customer requirements are.
It is important to ensure both internal and external attention to ensure success in the long run. However, an agile market will create an external orientation. On the other hand, a stable environment can result in internal focus. In here, the competing nature of the values and the way how you pick inside or outside can be done at the same time.
The second dimension is focusing on flexibility or stability. The organizations tend to organize and ensure better stability at the end of the day. Then they will have clear planning, structures, reliability and budgets. They will also be able to remain aware about the reality. Flexible organizations are equipped with the power to assume the opposite. In reality, it is never possible to predict everything or taking control over everything. However, being flexible will be able to deliver an excellent assistance for these organizations to quickly adopt according to different changing circumstances.
The effectiveness of Competing Value Model Framework is validated through lots of research activities. It is properly aligned with the other dimensions that explain how people are behaving when they organize.
— Slimane Zouggari