More and more businesses are now engage in advance technology. The development in information technology is one aspect when it comes to bringing advancement to services of the businesses.
The Lean IT seeks for the growth and manages its services that extend in the aspect of IT. It has a great help to the development of IT (information Technology). Lean is an important aspect in organizing the Lean IT. It is an aspect that should be regarded in order to have a successful business as well as to satisfy the needs of the clients. It should be lean or inclined to the business for it to function orderly.
Because of this service, manufacturing of the businesses become more convenient. The quality of service that the customer wanted is now being emphasized. Manufacturing that is beneficial for both. Today more businesses are implementing this kind of manufacturing through the use of this service. They are now engage with this kind of manufacturing. It is an effective means to the businesses to use this kind of service especially in today’s modern world. In today’s way of living that almost everybody is engage in technology, people wanted their work to be easier and faster. And by means of this service they are being updated.
The development of this service can be explained by the following concepts:
1. Remove unnecessary waste or scrap
The elimination of the scrap or waste can be the means for the success of the business. To eliminate waste or the scraps one should recognize to be an organized in the process. It should start in organizing the process for you to come up with a good and right outcome. It should have a proper implementation and business should have the recognition that is needed for the business to work. Be well managed and have a careful way of implementing the process. There should have the careful analysis in the process. Customers want an easy and fast process. Business should deal with it. The quality of service and immediate action to the problem should be remembered.
2. Unfinished work
It is not proper to have unfinished business or work. When it happened there are times that you will commit mistakes. Work should be one at a time. You cannot focus if you shift to another process even you are not finished the first.
3. Time consuming
Costumers want an easy and faster transaction. Avoid a process that is time consuming as it will cause costumers irritation that can affect the performance of the business.
4. Disfigurement
Costumers wanted a good quality service. There should have the proper way to avoid the defects or disfigurement of the service.
With this advance technology the process become more agile. In a way that businesses are able to process the orders or even the payment of the customers in easy and faster way. Businesses are now agile in responding to the customers’ needs. The lean IT has an important part in today’s transaction. It became more convenient for parties, businesses and customers.
— Slimane Zouggari