STATIK is an acronym for System Thinking Approach to Implementing Kanban. If you are considering implementing Kanban in your organization, you are required to familiarize yourself with the workability of the system prior to its execution in the organization. STATIK is a method of learning the workability and functionality of the system as a whole rather than analyzing its components individually.

Prior to the implementation of STATIK, you are required to introduce the facets of Kanban in your organization. The arrangement of the steps are independent of a sequence but, these steps unlock the next step to exhibit in a collaborative manner.

How Does it Work?

The application of STATIK is limited to one service; however, if you are considering adding more services, you are required to take Kanban practices to equate the demand and flow across the manifold services, which are improved over the course of time. However, you can go through the given steps to learn the workability of STATIK in an organization:

Analyzing the capability

In this step, the historical data regarding the service delivery is studied, and it is studied in accordance with lead time and quality. It is also studied in conformation to the regulatory standards or requirements that occurs during the process. In addition, it also takes the functional and non-functional quality of the data into its consideration.

Modeling the workflow

In this step, it is believed that the workflow modeling should be carried out individually for each type of a work item. It is highly significant to consider to the individualistic value of workflow, and it should not be intertwined with its counterparts like Gemba Walk techniques or Value Stream Mapping. Working in a professional setting requires Kanban to develop and model a workflow that is geared towards the STATIK approach for its accomplishment in an organization.

Designing the kanban system and negotiating its implementation in the organization:

A Kanban system compromises of four essential elements, which are the Kanban system, its corresponding Kanban, the design of the ticket, the design of the board, and adjustment to existing meetings. It also includes introducing new facets to adjust the Kanban Cadences, the feedback loops, to complete the design of the system.

In addition, for completing the design of the Kanban system, there is a requirement for implementing a workflow model which caters to various types of work, classes of service, and the state of work required for discovering latest information.

The inclusion of STATIK method motivates the collaborative workshops to indulge in the formation of the Kanban boards and systems in the organization, which correspondingly results in its design prepared for implementation in the organization.

— Slimane Zouggari


Obeya (or Oobeya) is a Japanese word that means ‘big room’, ‘large room’ or ‘war room’. It is form of project management used by many companies to increase productivity. It is also an integral part of Toyota Production Systems, Volvo Group.

It is a lean manufacturing tool, in which a company sets aside a dedicated room where employees or workers can come together to discuss, deliberate and brainstorm on important issues or problems affecting them with a view to solving it. An obeya is a room where employees meet to share and manage information and make efficient decisions to move the company forward.

Obeyas are mainly created to solve a particular problem or work on a specific project. It is when they are used to solve a singular project or undertake a project that they are most effective. An obeya is mainly open to every relevant employee in an organisation.

One of the major companies that has always utilised the Obeya has been Toyota. They made it popular and used it extensively especially in the development of their products, to improve and streamline communication. Toyota is known as one of the first companies to use the Obeya that’s why it’s always associated with them. It is been utilised as an integral project-management tool.

Back in 1993, during the making and launch of it’s first Prius, Toyota put the Obeya into full practice. They carefully gathered all the essential management information for the project in one room called the Obeya. By doing this, every other information or tool that was not part of the project in any way were discarded. The team members focused exclusively on the product with the aim of bringing out the best. Obeya is one of the important elements in Toyota Production Systems.

Since every company possesses it’s own mode of operation and discipline, it’s safe to say that no two companies will employ the same Obeya. Nevertheless, no matter the type of Obeya used by an organisation, there are always similarities to look out for. Some of them are:

The presence of Computers, graphs, charts and drawings in the room to monitor the progress of the project.

Desks and tables for project members.

Any other useful resources or information needed by the team.

In the Obeya, team members can make use of the PDCA because of it’s numerous benefits. It involves :

Planning : Defining a particular problem and developing potential solutions to it.

Doing: This is the stage for implementing the proposed solution.

Checking: Evaluating the results to see whether the proposed solution is actually working or not.

Action: Here, members either return to the planning stage if the results aren’t satisfactory, or improve the solution if the results are expected.

EASY COMMUNICATION : One of the major importance of an obeya is to clamp down on the barriers that prevents employees from collaborating together. And also sharing information to make efficient decisions.

EFFICIENCY: By bringing together all the necessary information, and vital resources needed for a project together in one place, the project’s team can help save time and valuable resources.

FOCUS: Project leaders can easily focus on the issues at hand as long as the key team members are in the same room for discussion.

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS: An obeya creates an atmosphere where employees can easily work together across disciplines to achieve a common goal.

— Slimane Zouggari

One Piece Flow

One piece flow is also known as single flow or continuous flow. Simply put, one-piece flow entails that various parts or products are moved from step to step through operations with a zero work-in-process (WIP) in between either a small batch at a time or one piece at a time. This is a kind of system that works very well in combination with a cellular layout. In this type of layout, all the necessary equipment needed is located within a cell and in the sequence in which it is used. The goal of every lean manufacturing is to achieve one piece flow in every operation possible. This is because achieving one piece flow involves the elimination of waste.

Many of the wastes that are common with batch production like transportation and waiting are reduced greatly when using one piece flow.

Defects are not detected easily with batch production while the reverse is the case for one piece flow.

One Piece Flow is faster than batch production and this speed allows to wait longer and schedule the order properly.

One Piece Flow is also important in software development because it ensures that the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is duly followed. By taking each process step by step the software is tested at intervals to know if it’s going according to plan. If it doesn’t it can be worked upon further by the programmers.

Applying one piece flow basically means that each operation will only be required to produce what is needed by the next operation. No more no less. By doing this, inventory will not be allowed to pile up.

As a result of the reduced inventory levels, less manpower will be required to manage it. Much space will not also be needed to carry this out. In addition, single piece flow usually results in cells which squeeze machines together and make it easy for a single operator to oversee, coordinate and organise many pieces of equipment with a reduced amount of effort.

There is always a reduced opportunity to manufacture products with defects because the batch size will be only one and there will not be loads of inventory to sort out. Therefore, if a product has defects, it can be easily picked out and looked upon thereby improving quality.

Since there is less inventory, every equipment and tool can be placed properly to avoid accidents. One of the causes of accidents in work places today is as a result of equipment not put in the proper place or overcrowded workstation.

Employees are able to receive immediate response on their work since any production problem will be easily identified and resolved immediately. Team members will know for sure how well they are doing and how they can improve if need be.

Equipment can be designed smaller and with lower cost with one piece flow.

One of the major criticisms of One Piece Flow is it’s inability to work when the transfer time begins to approach the work time.

Another problem is it’s inability to work with certain processes. An example of such process is shot blasting.

One Piece Flow is not also productive when a cell has to address a wide product variety with various routes, setup times and work times.

— Slimane Zouggari


Nagara is a lean term that means balancing the cost of every action such as production and more value from clients. Ideally, you have to observe the balance of the production and it depends on the need and the availability of time. It is the process of creating flow for the elimination of waste in the production. For a lean organization, you must understand the value of the customers and focus on the thing that will continue the increasing factor. Your ultimate goal is to create the best services in the best time that do not sacrifice anything; in short, you are aiming to have zero waste.

Nagara is a Japanese terminology that has English equivalency of a term “while doing something”. It simply means that you do many things at a time with the aim not to waste anything at all.

When to use Nagara

Nagara is very effective to use when you want to do two work at the same time. Such as operating a machinery and assembling a thing at the same time. They say that using Nagara will provide efficiency and productivity to all the work that you do. It is true that you use it to do two or more work at the same time; however, it requires to have the talent and professionalism in doing while doing something.

Concrete example

You can see the concept in a daily application such as you can do works at a time. Example, when you are cleaning the dishes and cooking at the same time. When you are walking and at the same time, you are assembling a thing. That is the concept Nagara that you do every even you are not aware that you are doing it at all.


Sometimes Nagara that is a lean word means doing while doing something is not all the time applicable. Let say that you cannot attend two or more things at a time when your presence in need in one of the task assigned. Such as, you cannot do something while you are in a conference. In that case you, there is a distraction with your attention and you can end up wasting so much time and learning from nothing.


While others say that Nagara is a productive way to do a job, some firm does not really agree with the concept. They say that it is dangerous at times; because it divides, the attention of the operator in operating a machinery is not advisable to do another thing while in action. They say that it takes sometimes to master the design and do one two things at a time.

Nagara is a Japanese lean term that means doing while doing. You can observe that it is effective when the times that you want to maximize the cause of production and productivity of the worker but do not want to develop waste. You can observe Nagara in operating a machinery and at the same time, you are doing another such as assembling a thing at the same period. Even that there are some that do not really buy the concept; many are using Nagara in their operation.

— Slimane Zouggari

Value Stream Mapping 

Short History

This kind of mapping has been used for several years. As a matter of fact, the information about this was published in the 1918 book entitled as Installing Efficiency Methods by Charles E. Knoeppel. Later on, the latter form of diagramming was used with the Toyota Production System as well as by the whole lean manufacturing movement. Moreover, it became useful in terms of lean methodology in various places. It was soon applied to Six Sigma methodologies in the agile industry.

What is it?

Value stream mapping is actually a type of flowchart process in order to analyze, illustrate as well as enhanced the steps that are needed to deliver a specific product or service. With this, you can review the flow of the step process, and essential information from its origin to delivery to the client. In addition to this, it also uses a system of symbols to describe different work activities and flow of information.

The purpose of the value stream mapping is to search and eliminate waste. With this diagramming method, you will be able to identify the items that add value or not for your customer’s happiness and satisfaction. Meanwhile, to make the most out of the process, you can begin by simply sketching through your hand, and later on move to the VSM agile software in order to attain better analysis, communication and collaboration.

How VSM works in various fields?


With value stream mapping, you can able to trace the waste in the production process. This can be done by simply analyzing every step of the handling of the materials and flow of information. Actually, this is efficient in the lean methodology.

Logistics and supply chain

VSM is one of the essential requirements in order to find out the waste and delays that can be costly in the production process.


With it, steps in treating the patients will be improved in the best possible way.

Common pitfalls

  • It requires persistent training. In order to make the most out of the value stream mapping technique, you must acquire the essential skills when it comes to symbol and mapping strategies. To do this, you can get the support and assistance of an expert and reliable facilitator.
  • Symbology can affect the way of thinking. Since the VSM uses symbols, there are some instances that you can use these symbols in an inappropriate manner. With this, you must be very careful enough to avoid possible problems that may occur in some future time.

Benefits of Value Stream Mapping

The good thing about this type of method is that it can find and eliminate waste in the production process. As a result, you can now have the chance to deliver the best product or service in the best possible quality. In relation to it, you can also make more innovative solutions on how to attain a higher plateau of success when it comes to your business or organization.

In addition to that, you can also receive great amount of savings when it comes to your projects.

— Slimane Zouggari

Kaizen Blitz

Kaizen Blitz is an improvement workshop that was crafted to produce an approach to discrete process issues in just a few days. It is a more effective way so that teams within an organization can carry out a structured and creative problem solving and process improvement in a workshop environment in just a very short period of time.

When to use it?

The Kaizen Blitz can be useful in the agile industry. It can greatly help to improve the business process and projects in just a few weeks. With it, you can get the chance to attain a high level of commitment from those who are involved. Even more important, you can also focus more on having a practical as well as implementable solutions to specific problems that you may encounter in some future time. Moreover, with the Kaizen Blitz, there will also be a high level of management commitment that will be implemented as soon as possible.

When not to use it?

Always remember that Kaizen Blitz is not a “silver bullet”. It also has its own limitations especially in terms of complex, extensive as well as cross-functional systems. In this case, there is a possibility that you will not be able to formulate a systematic, true as well as root cause within a week.

To mention a few, the following are some of the possible problems that you may encounter when the usefulness of Blitz is unlikely.

  • Lacking management support
  • Insufficient sustainability after the event
  • Interruption in implementation after the event
  • Superficial training due to lack of time which results in poor understanding of Lean principles
  • Lack of data to formulate an effective analysis of root causes
  • Insufficient buy-in for proposed changes which come from those who are not involved in the event

On the other hand, there is also a risk in the Kaizen Blitz. It highly needs more amount of time in order to learn the principles, design methodology as well as tradeoffs. As a matter of fact, the general process is not as easy as what others might think. With this, it should be done with extra carefulness.

Concrete Examples

A great example of Kaizen Blitz is in a manufacturing industry. In the workplace, the level of stress is increasing among the employees. It is due to the higher work space, long hours of work, lack of resources, doing work for absent teammates as well as the blame for quality faults.

In this case, problems that emphasized the stress can be majorly caused by the layout of the workplace as well as the insufficiency of tools and equipment. Well, the best solution to reduce the stress is the cooperation in creating the change process, the team’s organization as well as the great support from the management.

With the use of Kaizen Blitz, you can create an excellent design, analysis, as well as a re-arrangement of the specific product. It can be implemented in estimated 2 to 10 days. The good thing about the Kaizen Blitz is that it produces more affirmative results that can generate enthusiasm and satisfaction with the organization’s team.

— Slimane Zouggari

Ishikawa Diagram

Ishikawa Diagram is also known as the fishbone diagram and a cause and effect diagram. These casual diagrams are created by Kaoru Ishikawa. This diagram shows the causes of a specific event. Where can you see the diagram? The Ishikawa Diagram is usually used in many product designs and for proper prevention and to detect the good quality of the products. This also helps in to identify the potentials and proper cause and its effect. The variation is often caused by the imperfections.

The effect is shown as the fish’s head which is facing to the right side of the fishbone. The ribs of the fishbone serve as the major causes and its sub-braches for the root causes. The concept of the Ishikawa Diagram is first used during the late 1960s. The diagram is considered as one of the seven basic tools for the best quality control. It got its name because the diagram was shown which is similar to a side view of the fishbone or the skeleton of the fish.

Getting Started

When do we use the fishbone diagram? This diagram is often used and can be an effective tool for team and a group setting. In creating a fishbone diagram, you can use a white board or a chart to get started. There are also some software programs that are also used to create a Fishbone diagram. The effectiveness and the usefulness of the fishbone diagram depend on the level of development. You can easily identify the root causes and effect of the problem. To start making a fishbone diagram, start with the statement of the problem. As a team, everyone must agree with the statement of the problem. Once you are done identifying the root causes of the problem, you are on your way to understand and solve the problem. The key causes shown in the fishbone must be identified and learned by the team.

Benefits of Ishikawa Diagram

Using the Ishikawa Diagram or the fishbone diagram will give you or your team several benefits:

  • It helps to further prioritize and for proper actions.
  • The diagram helps and incorporates the metrics and is used to organize a critical thinking.
  • This tool will help to explore the root causes and helps in the organization of the current issues.
  • It is easy to learn and very straightforward.

The Ishikawa Diagram can also be used to answer several questions that are commonly arising in a problem-solving. The potential root causes of the problem are one of the major concern of the Ishikawa Diagram. The development of the diagram by Dr. Ishikawa helps many people and much other organization. The diagram continuous to improve the methods and the root causes that affects many businesses and organization.

Creating this diagram will surely build the trust between the departments and will help in the growth of the business. This will also help to further understand the key reasons and cause in the goal to reach the set standards. When using the Ishikawa Diagram, it is better to focus on the process of the improvement and to avoid further defect.

— Slimane Zouggari

A3 Problem Solving 

The solving problem does not have a similar way of solving every problem. A3 problem solving is a continuous way of solving problems and a continuous improvement of all the approaches. This structure of problem-solving provides a strict approach which leads to a solution to the problems. Writing an A3 is the first and basic step towards the learning and the proper use of an A3 structure. The best result is expected when properly executed the way on how to deal with the problem at hand. The A3 problem solving is quite related to the problem-solving approach being presented by Deming’s PDCA cycle. The only difference between these two is the processes and the number of steps.


A3 problem-solving leads to problem-solving which is placed based on ISO A3 sheet paper. This is where it gets its name. The process of solving the problem which is also identified as Systematic Problem Solving. The process of solving the problems in this manner is based on the principles and belief of Edward Deming.


The systematic approach is divided into numbers of steps. Specifically, there are 7 steps in a problem-solving. Here are some of the steps in an A3 Problem Solving Structure:

  • Background
  • Statement of the problem
  • Setting the target
  • Cause and Effect
  • Countermeasures
  • Confirmation
  • Follow Up Action

Background – the first step of the problem solving is the background. Clearly, state the impact of the problem to the business objectives. How this will affect the business, the customers, the process, the finance and the new products.

Statement of the problem – it is where the details of the problem are placed. This also includes the intense of the problem and when and where the problem happened and how does this will affect the business. You can help bring back the life of the business by solving the problem.

Setting the target – clear out the goals that you want to achieve and set a time and deadlines for these goals. You have to state the goal in order for you to accomplish these goals with accordance to the A3 problem-solving structure.

Cause and Effect – the root cause analysis is also called as the cause and effect part of the solving problem step. You have to determine and carry out the most basic reason of the problem.

Countermeasures – it is important to come up with a countermeasure that will serve as your guide in solving your problem. You can also draw a plan that will deploy the countermeasures.

Effect Confirmation – once you are done implementing all the countermeasures, you have to look at the results. Identify whether the result is indicating that your countermeasures are all effective and this will help you to achieve your objective.

Follow Up Action – upon achieving the results, it is important to deploy the sustaining gains. Make sure to take all the necessary actions that will help not just you but the business and organization.

The A3 problem solving is a simple yet effective way of solving problems. But, it is not that simple. This also requires the right context and the right conditions.

— Slimane Zouggari

5 Why 101 – Everything You Need to Know

5 Why 101 – Everything You Need to Know

The 5 Whys problem-solving method makes use of a very easy iterative approach in attempting and analyzing to find the root cause of a problem. In case you didn’t know yet, the 5 why technique comes from the Toyota Manufacturing system founded in the country of Japan by the Toyota car corporation. The idea consists of defining the problem in a problem statement and asking why is this the case, or why is the concern what it is. This method often times approaches in a team setting and can involve brainstorming as a concept generation process to determine potential causes.

How does it work?

If you want to bring about huge change in the way your company functions, you must start utilizing the 5 Why in order to deal with any issue. It’s extremely easy to use and it involves the asking of a question after the other to get the root of any issue. The first why make an answer that must quick another why and so on. Some of the perks of utilizing this method for problem-solving are the following:

  • There’s a rarely any need to gather data for utilizing this tool and doesn’t call for statistical analysis of any kind.
  • The process unearths a whole of many problems, which are connected to the main problem.
  • It aids you to get the genesis of an issue so that it can be managed right at that point. Trying to deal with the symptoms of an issue doesn’t amount to anything but window dressing.

In the following examples a production problem, the 5 why a problem-solving method is appropriate to use because of the problem requires to be found quickly and tends to not need a complicated fault finding the procedure.


A production process found in the food manufacturing sector that generates potato chips in a continues production line, at the same time has a production problem where during testing of food productions samples, the potato salt levels are very high continuously in all samples taken over the last time. A solution for this problem should be found promptly as because to being food manufacturing each production out of spec isn’t able to be purchased.

  • 1st Why: Too much salt feeding throughout the process
  • 2nd Why: Probably fault along with the salt feeder equipment
  • 3rd Why: Failure of measurement paddle cell

In the given example, we’ve reached a probable root cause for the production issue by asking Why several times, this will depend on the issue being analyzed. Below are the corrective and investigation actions that should be carried out to approve the root case as true. If the probable cause is found to be not correct, the Why could be repeated until the real root cause is determined.

In other cases, an answer or cause to one of the Why’s could itself be caused by some failures or issues. In the given example mentioned, the disaster of feeding equipment could be triggered by improper weight readings coming from the salt feed bin down to the process controller or maybe a failure of the process controller too.

— Slimane Zouggari


Yokoten is a Japanese word, which is roughly translated to “best practice sharing.” In Yokoten, the terminology Toyota is adopted to capture an idea of a horizontal transfer of knowledge and information across the certain organization. It encourages the idea to share information across the organization. Yokoten is also one of the winning behaviors of Toyota, which copy and improve on Kaizen idea that really works. Toyota is calling Yokoten as part of the business philosophy since it is precise compare to the ‘sideways expansion’, ‘horizontal deployment’ and ‘copy’.

How Yokoten is done in Toyota?

Instead of waiting for the Kaizen information to get up to the chain of command, by which it can be sent back down into another location to copy and learn from, the Toyota members are encouraged to go and see for themselves, and then return to their respective area to add their own idea to the information that they acquired. The role of the senior executives is to make the members aware of the existence of a good example of Kaizen, so that they can see everything for them, gain knowledge about the learnings and enhance that idea even further.

Simply by telling the subordinates to copy it can be like Kaizen a little, but it will not serve as second important factor of Toyota Production System, a respect for and the development of people. Toyota has learned that is not enough to just copy the result of a good Kaizen, but they must also copy the thinking that is resulted in a good Kaizen.

The Business Practices of Toyota

Within the eight practical problems solving procedures, which are known as Toyota Business Practice or TBP, the activity in Yokoten happens in eight simple steps.

  1. Clarify the existing problems
  2. Break down the existing problems
  3. Set a target
  4. Analyse the problem root cause
  5. Develop a countermeasure
  6. See the countermeasure through
  7. Evaluate the process and the results
  8. Standardize the success and learn from the failures

Basic Yokoten Requirements

There is another phrase in Japanese that is associated of building the Yokoten culture, which is called as “kaze toushi” means “wind blowing through” or “ventilation,” but may also refer to the openness or easiness of certain communication process across the organization. Basically, when this ventilation or flow of information is poor at stage, Yokoten is not happening.

Whys Use Yokoten in Your Organization

Yokoten is an essential factor or part in a long-term success of a lean culture, but can also have a bigger impact for the short-term result. It is known as a success multiplier. Perform a good Kaizen and copy the results, then learn from it and adopt it whenever and wherever it is applicable. After you successfully done this in your organization, you can immediately duplicate or even multiply more the impacts. The same true thing in lean because there is no assurance that it will grow on its own on the future. You need to exploit Yokoten to help assure that you continue to become lean to the near business future.

— Slimane Zouggari