Nagara is a lean term that means balancing the cost of every action such as production and more value from clients. Ideally, you have to observe the balance of the production and it depends on the need and the availability of time. It is the process of creating flow for the elimination of waste in the production. For a lean organization, you must understand the value of the customers and focus on the thing that will continue the increasing factor. Your ultimate goal is to create the best services in the best time that do not sacrifice anything; in short, you are aiming to have zero waste.
Nagara is a Japanese terminology that has English equivalency of a term “while doing something”. It simply means that you do many things at a time with the aim not to waste anything at all.
When to use Nagara
Nagara is very effective to use when you want to do two work at the same time. Such as operating a machinery and assembling a thing at the same time. They say that using Nagara will provide efficiency and productivity to all the work that you do. It is true that you use it to do two or more work at the same time; however, it requires to have the talent and professionalism in doing while doing something.
Concrete example
You can see the concept in a daily application such as you can do works at a time. Example, when you are cleaning the dishes and cooking at the same time. When you are walking and at the same time, you are assembling a thing. That is the concept Nagara that you do every even you are not aware that you are doing it at all.
Sometimes Nagara that is a lean word means doing while doing something is not all the time applicable. Let say that you cannot attend two or more things at a time when your presence in need in one of the task assigned. Such as, you cannot do something while you are in a conference. In that case you, there is a distraction with your attention and you can end up wasting so much time and learning from nothing.
While others say that Nagara is a productive way to do a job, some firm does not really agree with the concept. They say that it is dangerous at times; because it divides, the attention of the operator in operating a machinery is not advisable to do another thing while in action. They say that it takes sometimes to master the design and do one two things at a time.
Nagara is a Japanese lean term that means doing while doing. You can observe that it is effective when the times that you want to maximize the cause of production and productivity of the worker but do not want to develop waste. You can observe Nagara in operating a machinery and at the same time, you are doing another such as assembling a thing at the same period. Even that there are some that do not really buy the concept; many are using Nagara in their operation.
— Slimane Zouggari