LS – Eco cycle Planning

What is meant by it?

Eco cycle planning can help you in eradicating common mistakes by sifting through your group’s activities; therefore in this way, you will get to know which activities are essential to achieving success in a goal.

How is it done?

Eco cycle planning is a liberating structure that can be carried out by inviting a group to view, organize and prioritize their activities with the help of four stages that are birth, maturity, creative destruction, and renewal. A room with an open wall and open space will be required. Chairs, post-it notes, and an eco-cycle map worksheet will be given to each participant.  In the first five minutes, the instructor will explain what the eco cycle is and distribute the blank maps to each participant, and then he will ask them to create their activity lists. Each pair will decide where to place each activity on the map, and then they will form a group and finalize those placements. Every group will list down their activities on the post-it notes and then paste them on the larger map on the open wall. Then, ask all the groups and focus on the pattern of their placements and how to carry out each activity.

What is its purpose?

Eco cycle planning is an agile way of balancing a strategies portfolio and setting your priorities. It can help you in hearing everyone’s perspective about a particular thing which can help you in seeing the picture with more clarity.

What are its Tips and Traps?

All the segments of eco cycle planning are beneficial and must be given importance to. You should be clear about the kinds of activities that are being considered. Views from both inside and outside of an organization must be included. Activities should be checked so that everyone is on the same domain. If a second round is required, then go for it.

Examples – Where can it be used?

Eco cycle planning can be used in the following circumstances:

  • To review a service portfolio.
  • When executives have to transform their approach to education.
  • To plan changes in any person’s life.

— Slimane Zouggari