Test Automation

Automation Testing, often known as Test Automation, is a software testing approach that involves the execution of a test case suite using particular automated testing software tools. Manual testing, on the other hand, is carried out by a person sitting in front of a computer, meticulously carrying out the test procedures.

In addition to entering test data into the System Under Test, the automated testing software may compare predicted and actual outcomes and create thorough test reports. Software Test Automation necessitates significant financial and human resources.

Repeated execution of the same test suite will be required in subsequent development cycles. This test suite may be recorded and replayed as needed using a test automation tool. There is no need for human involvement after the test suite has been automated. Test Automation’s return on investment has improved as a result of this. The aim of automation is to minimize the number of test cases that must be performed manually, not to completely remove manual testing.

If you are looking for a way to enhance test coverage, test effectiveness, and execution speed in agile testing, you may think about going ahead with test automation.

There are five main steps to follow as you do test automation. The very first step is to select the best test tools that you will be using for automation. Then you should define the overall scope of automation. The third step would be to plan, design, and develop the test automation scripts. After that, you can proceed with test execution. The final step of test automation would be maintenance.

Before you proceed with test automation, it is important to determine the scope of the project. On top of that, you should also determine the right tools to ensure success at the end of the day.

— Slimane Zouggari