When asked to estimate how much time can be saved by increasing speed, they tend to underestimate the time saved when driving at a relatively low speed and overestimate the time saved when driving at a relatively high speed. Drivers were presented with a situation of accelerating from a relatively low speed in order to reach their destination in time, and were asked to estimate the time that could be saved by changing to higher speeds. The bias in Equation 2 towards time savings was found in another study by Swenson (1973), in which participants were asked to rate the effect of increasing the speed of a physical object and underestimating the time savings at a lower speed. It also indicates that this bias is not primarily limited to cognitive tasks, because it persists when information about a problem is based on perceptual cues or active driving information. [Sources: 3, 4, 6]
Then, the driver will want to accelerate to ensure that they arrive at their destination on time, but they may misjudge the time that can be saved by increasing the speed (Svenson, 2008). The time-saving deviation of active driving cannot be attributed to the underestimation of the average speed because the participants accurately estimated the average speed. Therefore, in a queue, the average time saved by increasing the speed from 100 km/h is 2.21 minutes, which is significantly less than three minutes, t 11 = -3.228, p = 0.00403. Therefore, my participants are driving faster than necessary. And gaining more time than needed when increasing speed from low speed. The idea that driving can save more time is called time-saving bias, which was explored in a study by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Their results showed that participants were biased in assessing how much time they saved in assessing distance. Time and speed. [Sources: 6, 7]
Acceleration from 10 km / h to 20 km / h saves 30 minutes per 10 km, but acceleration from 20 km / h to 30 km / h (the same speed increase) saves only 10 minutes, and acceleration from 30 km / h to 40 km / h saves only 5 minutes. we reach the speeds that are probably of interest to us, the time savings are minimal. As in the case above, increasing the speed by just 5 km / h only saved two minutes, but looking at just 65 km / h it looks like it will save a significant amount of time. Acceleration saves time, but less and less as the starting speed increases. 10 km is ten times higher per 100 km, but the time saved by traveling at 100 km / h instead of 90 km / h per 100 km is a paltry 7 minutes. It turns out that the widespread, almost universal assumption that we will get where we are going faster if we move at higher speeds is, if not false, then at least much less important than we might imagine. Once established, it seems obvious. [Sources: 1, 7]
Lowe believes that if the driver increases the average speed to 65 km per hour, it will reduce his trip to two minutes. In a number of studies, I have found that consumers actually make mistakes in these judgments and overestimate the benefits of higher speeds while underestimating the benefits of lower speeds. [Sources: 5, 7]
To save time, press the gas pedal a little harder to get to the spot faster. In active driving, an alternative reverse speed meter was used to reject judgment. Subsequently, the procedure was repeated, but for a different speed (and distance). [Sources: 2, 6, 7]
Great efforts are being made to persuade motorists not to accelerate, especially during vacations. Once we see we should be less frustrated when colliding with slower drivers and reduce the risk of crashes or collisions with road patrols. [Sources: 1]
— Slimane Zouggari
##### Sources #####
[0]: https://nlpnotes.com/2014/03/23/time-saving-bias/
[1]: https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/logical-and-critical-thinking/0/steps/9130
[2]: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00140139.2015.1051592
[3]: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369847811000659
[4]: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20728651/
[5]: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2383205
[6]: http://journal.sjdm.org/13/13309/jdm13309.html
[7]: https://www.carhistory.com.au/resources/blog/does-driving-faster-actually-save-more-time