5S is considered one of the most powerful Manufacturing Lean tools and serves as a cornerstone of any types of successful implementation. This stands for Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke which are simple tools that are specifically created for making your work place as organized as possible. It will also be cleaned, safe, and efficient that will be able to enhance the visual management, and productivity that will ensure the standardized of working in the company.
5S has a great emphasis on efficiency gains, and aesthetics in which you will be able to achieve by implementing the method. Apart from that, you should be aware with the methodology’s aim and that is the necessity to introduce the operational practices that are standardized to guarantee you of having safe, efficient, and repeatable working ways.
Aside from the standardized working that gives you a good and stable foundation that will boost improvement by implementing the Lean Tools, you will likewise have highly visual workplace. Furthermore, it is a process that should be employed by all people who only work in the area. So, the individuals who do not have the knowledge and do not belong to the group cannot utilize the tool.
5S as a tool comes from the Toyota Production System (TPS) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Nevertheless, there are various individual components such as making efficient and ergonomic work places that are seen to be indebted their origin to individuals such as Frank Gilbreth for his Time and Motion Studies, and Taylor for his Scientific Management. Gilbreth showed that, when the ergonomics of bricklayers working methodologies are being improved, he would be able to lessen the number in individual movements that are required. The output in an hourly manner will be increased from 120 to 350 bricks.
5S is particularly a way that will help you organize your working practices and work place. In the Seiri, you will be supported in sorting, clearing, and classifying. In Seiton, you will straighten, set chronological order, and configure. In Seiso, you will sweep, clean, shine, scrub, and check. In terms of Seiketsu, you will standardize and stabilize. Lastly, when it comes to Shitsuke, you will be able to sustain self-discipline, practice, and custom. In order for you to attain completeness, there are other companies that make it 6S and that is for Safety. But, according to experts, it should be a crucial and salient part to the 5 Steps and not become a separate stage. So, all of these things are truly helpful and beneficial.
5S is definitely a good help when you need to organize your working places. It will be clean, efficient, and safe as well that will totally enhance the productivity and the visual management. Apart from that, the work of every person in the company will be standardized. Likewise, efficiency and aesthetics will be achieved. Therefore, when you need the said services, you can count on the 5S a lot. In addition to that, you will be able to see the difference when you apply the tool at the working place.
— Slimane Zouggari