
Apophenia Is The Tendency To Perceive Meaningful Connections Between Unrelated Things.

Now, when it comes to events in our life that can be randomly distributed over time, from the point of view of our mind, looking for patterns, it seems that they happen in groups, and therefore we can believe that bad things happen to three, that God is testing our faith that we were born under a bad sign. We can imagine that conspiracies arise from the fact that several bad things happen in a row. [Sources: 9]

And it can motivate us to make sense of completely unrelated life events. This means that we often see patterns in random information, and this can be a serious problem. But this means that we can overcome and interpret what is not really there. [Sources: 9]

This is a useful thing in the natural environment, because we do not have a straight line from our brain to reality, we always interpret models. Surprisingly, our brains are very good at picking up these hidden patterns and messages. [Sources: 5, 9]

Thus, apophenia has both sides: it is a deeply human mental habit that can underlie adaptive behavior and reward flights of fantasy or cause all kinds of paranoia and stupidity. There is a strange connection between apophenia, “a potentially pathological tendency to perceive meaningful connections between apparently unrelated things,” and the artist’s receptive mood when creating art. This may be the difference between psychotic and creative use of patterns and connections. [Sources: 0, 6, 8]

However, in extreme cases it can be a symptom of mental dysfunction, for example, as a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia [6], in which the patient sees hostile patterns (eg, a conspiracy to persecute him) in ordinary actions. Apophenia also began to describe the human tendency to unreasonably look for patterns in random information, for example, during gambling. Ultimately, apophenia is associated with a person’s tendency to look for patterns in random information, for example, when gambling. [Sources: 7, 12]

The experience of observing patterns or relationships in random or meaningless data was invented by apophenia by the German neurologist Klaus Conrad. He initially described this phenomenon as a mentally ill thought process, although it is now seen as a ubiquitous feature in human nature. [Sources: 2]

He defined this as “an unmotivated consideration of connections [accompanied by] a particular sense of abnormal meaning.” He defined this as “an unmotivated consideration of connections [accompanied by] a particular sense of abnormal meaning.” [Sources: 12]

He described the early stages of delusional thinking as referential overinterpretations of real sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations. He described the early stages of delusional thinking as referential overinterpretations of real sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations. [Sources: 12]

So, according to the theory, the human brain has evolved into “belief machines” and “pattern recognition machines” that seek to organize messy sensory inputs into meaningful data. Our brains are pattern-discerning machines that connect dots, allowing us to discover meaningful relationships between the mass of sensory inputs we encounter. Rather than simply viewing apophenia as a kind of unfortunate side effect of our cognitive architecture, psychoanalysis encourages us to look at meaning where it seems less obvious. [Sources: 2, 8]

This type of pattern recognition can induce apophenia on the grounds that because the brain is not looking for exact matches, it can detect some characteristics of the match and assume that they are the same. The deletion, distortion, and generalization that occurs at the subconscious level of people make this flow of information manageable, but sometimes at the expense of inaccurate recognition patterns, and this is where the concept of apophenia comes into play. In statistics, apophenia is an example of a Type I error – misidentifying patterns in data. [Sources: 7, 11]

The problem of apophenia in finance has been covered in scientific articles. Personal descriptions of manic patients are almost obsessive, but research on the link between apophenia and bipolar disorder is scarce. For a person whose first understanding of something is usually visual, apophenia is an invaluable tool. Merriam-Webster defines it as the tendency to perceive a meaningful connection or pattern between unrelated or random things. [Sources: 5, 6, 7, 8]

There is another form of apophenia, called pareidolia, which fills the gap in our vision. A common phenomenon caused by hallucinations is seeing a face on a random part of the wall. Many people perceive faces in seemingly random places, such as dirt patterns left in clouds, cars, or on the moon. [Sources: 2, 5]

Motivation is usually used in visual arts, but you use it in your own way, finding patterns between everyday objects and obviously unmodeled places. In 2008, Michael Shermer coined the term “pattern” and defined it as “the tendency to find meaningful patterns in meaningless noise.” In Believing Brain (2011), Shemer writes that people “tend to instill meaning, intention, and freedom of action into models,” which he calls “motivation”. Good novelists certainly understand this and rely on the expectations and expectations that seemingly unrelated associations evoke in their readers. [Sources: 0, 2, 7]

In fact, all conspiracy theory and other erroneous conclusions, such as player error, are based on a usually useful tendency to piece things together. This is not an exploratory use of joins, where many disparate inputs can be used. However, this is perhaps the most reliable method of preventing distorted thinking and misconnecting unrelated events. [Sources: 5, 6]

Your perception seems important, but it exists in your fantasy. Defending it can lead to harmlessness, which is harmful and harmless depending on the context. In fact, we have never seen other people; on the contrary, we only see those aspects of ourselves fall on them. Today, too many people in our human family insist on seeing connections and meanings in things and events that do not actually exist, leading to delusions and crazy and dangerous conspiracy theories. However, today’s atheism finally forces our society to link unrelated things together and formulate conspiracy theories on this basis. [Sources: 1, 3, 5]

Apophenia is also manifested in the most complex pattern in our human relationship world. Apophenia () is a tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. Confidence in QAnon depends on trying to establish connections where there is no connection. Brugger explained that when a concept is ignited in the right hemisphere, a distantly related concept will also come to mind, creating a meaningful sense of connection. [Sources: 2, 6, 7, 8]

He described the acute phase of schizophrenia, during which irrelevant details seemed to be full of connections and meaning. The term (German: Apophanie) was coined by the psychiatrist Klaus Konrad in a 1958 publication on the early stages of schizophrenia. [Sources: 8, 12]

In statistics, a problem similar to apophenia is a Type I error or false positive. We are deceived by optical illusions – apophenia of the visual cortex – but we don’t take these cognitive errors personally. [Sources: 2, 8]

You, I, and even the most logical person in the world are subject to confirmation bias; this is how our brain works. Unfortunately, confirmatory bias is just one of the cognitive biases that are hardcoded in our brains; this is what strikes us the most when it comes to conspiracy theories. When combined with our penchant for confirmation bias, conspiracy theories essentially become a powerful predator that preys on people who want to feel like geniuses. Therefore, when you express hatred or lack of empathy towards others, you are not only a reaction, but also a stimulus. [Sources: 1, 5]

— Slimane Zouggari



##### Sources #####

[0]: https://www.romanovgrave.com/one-question-one-answer/greg-drasler

[1]: https://medium.com/@ankitkoul26/life-without-apophenia-481606fa9fb0

[2]: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/reality-play/201207/being-amused-apophenia

[3]: https://ohart.agency/collect/efg-apophenia

[4]: https://soundcloud.com/adamdunetz/sets/apophenia

[5]: https://zilbest.com/psychology/why-we-love-conspiracy-theories/

[6]: https://uxdesign.cc/apophenia-a-patterned-life-45e50bdd5b5f

[7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia

[8]: https://slate.com/technology/2014/09/apophenia-makes-unrelated-things-seem-connected-metaphors-paranormal-beliefs-conspiracies-delusions.html

[9]: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/videos/why-we-are-so-prone-to-seeing-patterns-in-randomne/p0bb6sj8

[10]: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/apophenia

[11]: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/651026-apophenia-aka-its-rigged/

[12]: https://dbpedia.org/page/Apophenia