
Cocomo is a regression-based model that is based on the number of lines of code, or LOC. In here, Cocomo refers to Constructive Cost Model. You can think about calling this as a procedural cost estimated model, which has the ability to estimate the software projects and go ahead with reliably predicting with many different parameters linked with working on a project such as quality, time, cost, effort and size.

There are three different models of Cocomo. The first level is Basic Cocomo. It is used for rough and quick calculations of the software development expenses. Then you can find the intermediate Cocomo, which is taking the influences of individuals in project phases into consideration. Detailed Cocomo is the last model, where the detailed cost drivers are taken into consideration.

Depending on the type of Cocomo, a specific formula will be followed. This formula is in a position to deliver effective results at the end of the day.

The main reason why we should use this agile software method is to get a reliable understanding about the software development cost. Once we have a solid understanding about the cost, it will be possible to take appropriate measures to reduce the cost factor accordingly.

Depending on the type of Cocomo followed, it is important to have a clear understanding about the cost drivers. Then you can minimize error and end up with a more accurate estimation.

A large number of parameters will be considered for Cocomo. They include hardware attributes, personal attributes and even project related attributes.

— Slimane Zouggari