GUI Testing

GUI refers to Graphical User Interface. In other words, it is the interface that a user of your application can see. GUI Testing is a form of software testing that examines the product’s graphical user interface. The goal of Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing is to guarantee that a software application’s features operate as expected by inspecting displays and controls such as menus, buttons, and icons.

The user interface is what the user sees. If you go to, the first thing you’ll notice is the homepage, which is the site’s GUI. The source code is hidden from the user. The user may see the user interface. The attention is mostly on the design structure and whether or not the pictures are functioning properly.

For example, let’s assume that you develop a login page. If the login button is not visible on a web browser due to a resolution issue, it will not be usable for the users. You should detect such problems and overcome them during GUI testing.

Multiple approaches are there to do GUI testing. The most common approach out of them is manual based testing. This is where the tester will test graphical screens manually to ensure that they match with desired functionality. You can also do record and play in agile testing. There are automation tools, which can be helpful to get the job done. Another approach that you can follow is model based testing. This is where you develop a model to mimic system behavior, determine inputs and outputs, and run the test. Then you can compare the expected outcome with actual output.

— Slimane Zouggari