During agile software development, you make simultaneous changes to different components or units of software. You should test these units before implementation. That’s where unit testing would come into play. Unit testing is a form of software testing that examines individual software units or components. The goal is to ensure that each unit of software code works as intended. Unit testing is carried out by developers throughout the development phase of an application. Unit tests are used to isolate a portion of code and ensure that it is accurate.
When it comes to unit testing, a unit can be an object, module, procedure, method, or function. Because software developers often want to save time by conducting little unit testing, this is a fallacy because insufficient unit testing leads to significant costs in defect repair during System Testing, Integration Testing, and even Beta Testing after the program has been developed. It saves time and money in the long run if thorough unit testing is done early in the development process. No matter what software you develop, you should do unit testing.
Multiple techniques are available for you to do unit testing. They include testing branch coverage, decision coverage, statement coverage, finite state machine coverage, and condition coverage.
You can do unit testing under manual method or automated method. When it comes to automated unit testing, a developer creates a portion of code in the program just for the purpose of testing the function. When the program is deployed, they will comment out and eventually remove the test code.
A developer might potentially isolate the function in order to thoroughly test it. This is a more extensive unit testing method that entails copying and pasting code into its own testing environment rather than the natural one. Isolating the code aids in the discovery of unneeded dependencies between the code under test and other units or data spaces in the product. These dependencies can then be removed.
— Slimane Zouggari