What is HIPPO?
HIPPO is an abbreviation which is used for “Highest Paid Person’s Opinion” and secondly it is taken in the sense of “Highest Paid Person in the Office”. It makes a difference between lower paid persons or employees and HIPPO in an office or working place.
HIPPO has a power to change all the work done with help of data by the human decision-making nature.
HIPPO is the main person’s interference at the last moment of the project completion and offers you to include his suggestion or opinion and changes management. You ought to include this suggestion or idea, even if you do not want to add it or it is not enough worth.
Simply, you cannot reject the HIPPO’s idea at any cost and cannot raise question in front of him.
Dangers of HIPPO?
Most of us are working under HIPPO, who clearly dominates, makes decisions and change management and our decisions easily. This dominating person or boss who is enabled to criticise, employee ought to accept his idea and restrict to make change according to his instruction. You are not able to challenge the HIPPO and cannot raise any question in front of his decision. Most of the time a junior employee works hard and makes some perfect plans, which are able to raise the company up but he compels to change it because he gets the order to change this strategy by HIPPO.
Alternatives of HIPPO:
It is necessary for us to change our minds according to the time and try some other alternatives of HIPPO for betterment of our future.
- Do not make a boss or executer a task maker or judge, instead of taking their opinion you can make your strategies on the basis of factual data.
- Contact with experts, agile investors and consumers and get more ideas and feedback because they have experience.
— Slimane Zouggari