
The second stage of 5S implementation program is 5S Seiton. 5S is considered as a more effective and efficient lean manufacturing methodology that is responsible for creating standardized working practices which can also improve housekeeping, and other extraordinary things. Aside from that, all of the clutters in your work place will be removed and the remaining items will be arranged chronologically in the cell.
People utilize or apply the 5S Seiton for the reason that, it has the capacity to find a particular place for all things in your working area. In this way, you need to bear in mind that everything should be placed closely for safety and for easy reach. In this step, you will be assured that your working place will be ergonomic. Meaning to say, the area will be arranged that is conducive to minimize movements and stress free environment. You will also be guaranteed of 100 % safety. The seven wastes will be eliminated as well.
When it comes to the implementation, there are various methodologies you can utilize. However, you need to take into considerations the size and the complexity of your working space. To give you an idea what to use, you can employ spaghetti diagrams in order for you to map out the whole process. It is a drawing of your work area wherein you draw a line to show movement. The spaghetti diagram appears as if you dropped a piece of spaghetti on the drawing and you have to work on removing and reducing the few pieces of spaghetti.
You can also employ a flow chart while utilizing post it notes. You can arrange these on a white board or a wall in order for the team to ascertain the non-value adding and value adding step. In this scenario, this can be considered an educational process for all individuals involved. In addition to that, you ought to work on reducing or eliminating all non-value adding step via placing things closer, arranging them in an easy manner that will support you in finding the position. Apart from that, you also have other choices like “go for it”. In this method, you can begin arranging things where you think the position you have is the most comfortable and convenient one.
Seiton originally came from Japanese where it was developed by Hiroyuki Hirano. The step has been found to be very effective and efficient in housekeeping as it has optimized manufacturing performance and best practice. As a methodology, it came from Toyota Production System, and Total Productive Maintenance that has the capacity to create efficient and ergonomic work places.
When you want to use and apply Seiton in housekeeping, working area, etc. there are examples that you can do such as putting a soap and hand towel that is close to the sink, taping instructional manual on a particular appliance, printing safety concerns and operating instruction on a specific machine, utilizing letter classifier, and more. Thus, this agile step, you can now arrange your place in order.

— Slimane Zouggari