
Kamishibai Board
Kamishibai is a type of storytelling utilizing visual cards or boards. This come from Japanese Buddhist temples in the twelfth century wherein monks utilized picture scrolls to convey stories with moral lesson to a largely illiterate audience.
At this point in time, it is being utilized as a management technique for doing audits in a manufacturing process. As part of the TPS or Toyota Production System, Kamishibai boards are utilized as visual control for doing audient in a manufacturing process. A sequence of cards are put on a board and chosen at random or in accordance to schedule by managers and supervisors of the area. This make sure cleanliness and safety of the workstation is maintained and which quality checks are being done.
Why Use Kamishibai Board?
Some important reasons to use these cards are to start standardize work, to put in accountability into the system as well as to establish needed positive discussion between members of the management as well as the operators that really do the job. All this largely aids to keep lean application.
Self-discipline by the organization to utilize it accordingly could make it happen. Part of the routine of the organization in a lean management is to audit current standards in order that any deviation could be solved and lean action is taken. Kamishibai is an approach to make devotion to this procedure visual on the Gemba.
Benefits of Kamishibai Board
• Kamishibai could facilitate Gemba walks. Rather than needing general small discussion between a supervisor and a worker, the card could facilitate a particular procedures oriented discussion regarding improvement.
• This can aid keeping a clean, well-organized as well as safe workplace. Through asking queries such as do all things have an ordinary place on this office and is the office cleaned conformed average. This turns out to be not only a one-time cleaning meeting, but a constant process.
• This system could also check the performance of the behavior, whether or not workers work according to the clear Average Work in the manner that it shows how to do a specific task. If an individual doesn’t work according to the standard work there are 2 chances either isn’t informed regarding the manner of working and so requires training , or the standard defines is not clear or wrong and requires modification.
• Last but not the least, this system can check the side of the average or standard work. Even if a development is recognized into average work, it’s not uncommon for workers to slip ban unconsciously into their old method of working. Therefore, Kamishibai board not just aids keeping 6S, on the other hand it also aids in keeping improvements.
Kamishibai board is easy to use. Aside from that, it also delivers lots of remarkable and amazing results. It could be utilized to great effect in order to make create habit as well as drive behavior. What makes this technique apart from the rest is the fact that it is low cost and so fast to apply and implement.

— Slimane Zouggari


Takt time is an essential indicator that is used in lean manufacturing and can be defined as the amount of time that is allowed to develop one product to be able to meet the demand of customers. This is also known as beat of production that is used by a number of organizations as a reference point on which they target the processing times against. Taktzeit upon calculation is stated in seconds.
How to Calculate Takt Time?
In order to calculate Takt time, one will have to determine certain factors and variables which include the following:
• The daily demand value or the daily order
• The number of time units in minutes or seconds in a working day
To be able to calculate Takt time from the above mentioned variables, you will have to take the total production time per day and divide this by the daily customer demand. For example, taking eight hours of processing time per day gives 480 minutes and which further gives 28800 seconds. Now, if the demand per day is 350 widgets, then Takt time can be found by dividing the total seconds with the demand value. In this case, you will divide 28800 by 350 and will be getting 82 seconds. Since most businesses do not have a 100% running efficiency, an efficiency percentage will be applied to the working time. This will give a shorter time which means that the running pace of the production line has to be slightly faster. Beat of production is essential when it comes to making process improvements and calculating total time required for process steps.
Understanding Takt time is to understand that on any given day, the volume at which your units are produced must match that as closely as possible to the daily demand for those units by your customers. In organizations that build large products like modular building or electrical power equipment, the demand for finished products might take place over the course of weeks or months. In high-speed manufacturing environments, like bottling plants or paper mills, there can be thousands or millions of units produced per day. To meet Takt time correctly, vendors located all over the world must be able to supply components and parts at the same rate they are consumed by the primary manufacturer’s customers. The closer the vendor’s are physically located to the primary manufacturer, the easier it generally is to control this rate, however, in today’s global environment, many companies have to import components from all over the world.
Not only is it required to meet customer demand at the right time, but the suppliers and the sub suppliers must meet that same demand as well. For instance, in a production line of small modular steel boxes, the customer demand is 15 units per day. Two shifts of production total 14 hours per day. When calculating total production time, remember to subtract for breaks, lunch, meeting, 5S cleaning and many more. In order for the manufacturer to meet customer demand, each of its suppliers and sub suppliers must also meet that same demands by producing a unit at least every 56 minutes. This is how Takt time is calculated.

— Slimane Zouggari


Do you ever wonder if there was a great way of producing more whilst using reduced man power? Of course, you have minimizing inputs whilst maximizing output is the business 101 concept you carry from day one and strive to completely tackle during your entire careers. It is all about shojinka.
What is Shojinka?
Shojinka is likewise known a flexible manufacturing or flexible staffing. This is the Japanese word that originated from the lean manufacturing principles of Toyota. Since the time it became widely publicized in 1980s, lean manufacturing was integrated in countless companies, with an aim to minimize wasted input in the production. The concept of flexible staffing has become the leading performer in lean philosophy.
This Japanese word is also defined as the flexible manpower line and it is the ability to modify the line in order to meet the production requirements with a number of demand changes and workers. There are times that it is known as the labor linearity when translated in English, pertaining to the ability of the assembly line to be balanced even if the production capacity fluctuates down or up.
Furthermore, Shojinka is the type of flexible manufacturing wherein the number of workers differs to match the demand requisites. It is obviously superior to the static system which staff working regions with no consideration to the fluctuations in the production requisites. Being capable of reassigning people to precisely where they are required would help in keeping the production regions of falling behind. This type of flexible staffing is also release people to work on the improvement projects if demand is low through the board. The primary reason why it was not done frequently is that it is taking a marvellous quantity of work in management and preparation.
The Requisites of Shojinka
In Shojinka, the following should be considered:
• The workers should be extremely cross-trained to be able to move while the demand is fluctuating.
• The managers should have a clear understanding and realization of demand.
• The team should have playbooks in order to know where they go at different production levels.
• The system should be designed in order to operate in different worker configurations.
• Processes should be extremely standardized so the output will be the same no matter who does the work.
It is very important to take note that the use of the Japanese terms like shojinka could be offputting to some workers and staffs. Alternative terms do include lithe playbooks and manufacturing as well as flexible staffing. There’s also an aspect of shojinka in everyday management.
The major benefit of flexible staffing is that the employees become flexible. What it really means is that the workers are trained in all or most aspects of production. It lets them to be moved around while the demand is changing. A flexible workforce allows your efficiency to stay high underneath any production demands, rather than just a pre-determined set. It will also make it possible for the employees to work on different sides or enhancement products if the demand is low athwart the board.

— Slimane Zouggari


Shitsuke is the final stage in the 5S method, which means to sustain, thus ensuring that the company or the workplace mainly contributes to continually enhance using the previous stages embedded in 5S, maintaining the housekeeping as well as conducting an audit and so forth. Moreover, this also makes the 5S as the way of life.
This is a Japanese word, which in the first place carries wealth of cultural meaning:
• Discipline as well as training imposed upon an individual. For instance, children are taught by their own parents to brush their teeth right after every meal.
• Self-discipline. For instance, children grow into adults who brush their teeth right every after meal.
• Shared cultural self-discipline. For instance, every individual is expected to brush their teeth right every after meal.
• Personal discipline to a continually practice and improve. For instance, golfers practice putts and then drives- they do not usually play around on weekend without having practice in between.
The main responsibility for the Shitsuke is primarily shared between the workforce and the management. The manager’s duty is to remind the employees of the principles of 5S and at the same time reinforce them by means of consistent messages as well as bahaviors. For example:
• Introduce and at the same time support the certification programs and audit in order to formally ensure that new standards are supported and most of all are all implemented.
• Develop the Shitsuke procedures and then review the standards once in a while.
• Conduct inspections in order to ensure that the standards are successfully met
• Provide the needed training, storage space, replacement parts, cleaning supplies, and any other resources as needed to enable the standards to be successfully met
How to Sustain the Discipline
Since the main responsibility for Shitsuke is shared between the workforce and the management, it is imperative on the part of the management to take full responsibility for continuing to communicate the real message of 5S and for the regular inspections in order to enforce all the standards. Employees on the other hand should be accountable for doing the work and for creating the results.
For the Management:
• In Shitsuke, there is a need to set the standards as well as processes
• Introduce the audit process
• Introduce a certain certification program
• Inspect and at the same time enforce while the workforce is slowly becoming accustomed to new procedures
• Train new employees
• Provide the needed resources
The Employees:
• The process must be a boost for moral as well as mutual respect
• Make suggestion in order to enhance the process
• Help each one another by means of inspecting visually the work of each and every area
If you want to become even more responsible and productive, it is now the best time to try Lean 5S and be amazed what the result will be. With this, you will definitely have an assurance that you will become the person you really wanted to be. This will surely give you more reasons to become more motivated in everything you do, which in turn will satisfy you the most.

— Slimane Zouggari


Seiketsu is the lean manufacturing tool fourth step of the 5S, which is proven to be a powerful method in organizing your house and working area safely and efficiently. The 5S including the Seiketsu can reduce or eliminate the seven wastes and other types of wastes such as Mura and Muri. When you apply the methodology, you will be given the opportunity to experience its various benefits. Even though the step is simple, this belongs to one of the most known lean tools out there.
This is specifically created in order to standardize all things or actions you have made in the first three steps of 5S. Nevertheless, it has other purposes or functions that you have to be familiar with. The step is not only for housekeeping but also in attaining standardized work that can ensure you of the most efficient ways of doing which is being performed repeatedly. Generally, the tool is made in order to make working ways standardized with respect to the three stages, and your operations. When you do not have this kind of working processes, you will not have the capacity to improve your work and you will not know the root causes of your errors.
The first thing that you need to do is that, you have to standardize the first stages of 5S and that is Seiri, Seiton, and Seiso. In this action, you are assured enough that the cleaning process will be a part of everyday routine by providing equipment, documented instructions, and time. Bear in mind that you should employ red tags in all your working areas for your comfort and convenience. Aside from that, you can use one color for every cell and different colors for the finished product. So, color codes the various working areas that have different functions in order to make all things as clear as possible.
The 5S as a method comes from the Toyota Production System and Total Productive Maintenance. But, it can be indebted to Taylor for Scientific Management and Frank Gilbreth for Time and Motion Studies. In addition to that, the tool was being developed in Japan by Hiroyuki Hirano. These are responsible for housekeeping and working area with the best practice and optimized manufacturing performance.
In Seiketsu, you will be familiar with the tasks you need to do all throughout the cleaning process. You will also know all tools required, the sequence, and the time needed for all tasks. Since cleanliness has been one of your top priorities, you can maintain it when you know the sources of dirt that you can possibly eliminate, the type of cleaning that needs to be performed at all times, the kind of cleaning that has to be carried out weekly, and more.
Summing it up, Seiketsu can help you when you want to make your working place and house organized and clean as possible as this will help you make an amazing and appealing environment in both places. Having this kind of milieu, the productivity will be improved as well. Moreover, there is a need to apply the 5S for overall quality.

— Slimane Zouggari

Achieve a Conducive Workplace with Seiso

Seiso is the third step of 5S method, which simply means to make everything shiny and clean. The best thing about this is that this is only a one-time step right in the process. The two main goals of this step are the following:
• To learn the process of maintaining the level of cleanliness
• To set new standards for cleanliness
In simpler words, this is the thorough cleaning of a certain area, machine, tool, and any other equipment in order to ensure that everything is returned to nearly new status. In addition to that, Seiso will also ensure that the non-conformity stands out such as the oil leak coming from the machine into a bright and newly painted clean floor.
The Process
Even though this will explain the process in its greater detail, here are the basics:
• Assign small groups to work on various sections of a certain company or factory
• Clean and at the same time inspect everything including the work stations, machinery, open floor spaces, storage cabinets, and more
• Take note of what to be cleaned or be tidied and determine how frequently it might be needed. Know what the needed resources are.
• The final step in Seiso is to finish documenting the results by means of taking photographs of the final results. This will then become the new standard.
The Benefits of Seiso
• Higher performance
• Cleanliness
• Higher employee morale. In Seiso, the employees mainly work in teams with the management participating fully and actively.
• Learning how to successfully do the cleaning. When you do cleaning yourself, expect that you will surely get fresh and new ideas on how to make this kind of work easier and faster when you do it the next time.
• Setting the new standard for the future cleanliness. If there are no standards, no one could possibly live up to them. The worst part is people will always do as little as needed to satisfy themselves. On the other hand, the effort will be wasted mainly because the next person will surely undermine all those efforts.
For you to know how to use Seiso here is an example you can use as a guide.
• The first thing that you should do is divide the workplace or a factory into numbers of different areas. You can include here the work stations, machinery, open floor spaces, and storage areas such as tool racks, cabinets or rooms.
• You can now assign the team to each area. Normally, there is a two-person team that works well to share all the cleaning, thinking as well as recording tasks.
• Train the teams in order to know what they must do and what they must need to report. Each of the team should clean their own area and should also report on their own findings.
If you are looking for the best provider of 5S visual management, Lean is the best option you can consider. You will surely be provided with the best tool that can help you in number of ways, thus makes you even more productive more than what you expect.

— Slimane Zouggari


The second stage of 5S implementation program is 5S Seiton. 5S is considered as a more effective and efficient lean manufacturing methodology that is responsible for creating standardized working practices which can also improve housekeeping, and other extraordinary things. Aside from that, all of the clutters in your work place will be removed and the remaining items will be arranged chronologically in the cell.
People utilize or apply the 5S Seiton for the reason that, it has the capacity to find a particular place for all things in your working area. In this way, you need to bear in mind that everything should be placed closely for safety and for easy reach. In this step, you will be assured that your working place will be ergonomic. Meaning to say, the area will be arranged that is conducive to minimize movements and stress free environment. You will also be guaranteed of 100 % safety. The seven wastes will be eliminated as well.
When it comes to the implementation, there are various methodologies you can utilize. However, you need to take into considerations the size and the complexity of your working space. To give you an idea what to use, you can employ spaghetti diagrams in order for you to map out the whole process. It is a drawing of your work area wherein you draw a line to show movement. The spaghetti diagram appears as if you dropped a piece of spaghetti on the drawing and you have to work on removing and reducing the few pieces of spaghetti.
You can also employ a flow chart while utilizing post it notes. You can arrange these on a white board or a wall in order for the team to ascertain the non-value adding and value adding step. In this scenario, this can be considered an educational process for all individuals involved. In addition to that, you ought to work on reducing or eliminating all non-value adding step via placing things closer, arranging them in an easy manner that will support you in finding the position. Apart from that, you also have other choices like “go for it”. In this method, you can begin arranging things where you think the position you have is the most comfortable and convenient one.
Seiton originally came from Japanese where it was developed by Hiroyuki Hirano. The step has been found to be very effective and efficient in housekeeping as it has optimized manufacturing performance and best practice. As a methodology, it came from Toyota Production System, and Total Productive Maintenance that has the capacity to create efficient and ergonomic work places.
When you want to use and apply Seiton in housekeeping, working area, etc. there are examples that you can do such as putting a soap and hand towel that is close to the sink, taping instructional manual on a particular appliance, printing safety concerns and operating instruction on a specific machine, utilizing letter classifier, and more. Thus, this agile step, you can now arrange your place in order.

— Slimane Zouggari

How to Sort Things with Seiri

Seiri is the first step of the 5S method, which means organizing or sorting out of the necessary equipment or even materials of both the required and non-required items. This is the identification of best physical organization of a certain workplace. Moreover, it is also a series of different steps, which help in identifying the things that are being held in workplace when they should not or the things that are being held in wrong place.
This has two major goals:
• To reduce the wastes
• To remove all the unnecessary objects
What are the objects are we talking about here? Why should we remove the objects that are not needed?
Well, in Seiri, the redundant objects might range from the empty boxes through the different bins of the rejected parts to the obsolete machinery in the workplace. Some of the objects may have some value but are inappropriate such as the jerry-rigged tools that mainly substitute for the proper equipment repair.
As you can observe, lots of workplaces are cluttered with the things that are no longer necessary. This does not apply inside a certain factory. There are offices that have libraries of the obsolete binders or manuals, or even filing cabinets that have outdated records that must be archived offsite.
Here are some of the good reasons for using Seiri:
• Sell the materials in order to realize the scrap value
• Free up the production space for your new business
• Free up the warehouse or office space in order to reduce the rental costs
• Save time when it comes to looking for a certain item that is needed the most
• Save time when it comes to making an inventory
• Save time when it comes to removing the goods mainly because there is a lesser clutter in your way
What does it really mean to reduce the waste?
Seiri mainly goes beyond just reducing the waste material through identifying all the hindrances while generating the ideas for the improvements.
How to sort the things out
It is the duty and responsibility of the management to commit employee’s effort and time such as making a plan and training. The steps mainly require teams. The smallest team must consist of representative line worker from production side, and maintenance technician. This will then provide well-rounded perspective right during the review. The supervisors must be included in the team. Always remember to involve the night shift personnel either as separate teams or even integrating them for the duration of the step.
Seiri is all about eliminating the unnecessary parts, instructions, and tools. It is always a must to have continuous education when it comes to maintaining the standards. If you are among those who are looking for the best way to make your workplace or office even more organized, trusting Lean 5S is definitely a wise move. You will surely be provided with proper knowledge on how to sort all the things in the workplace, thus resulting to handful of benefits since you will now have a workplace that is conducive for working.

— Slimane Zouggari

What is 5s?

5S is considered one of the most powerful Manufacturing Lean tools and serves as a cornerstone of any types of successful implementation. This stands for Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke which are simple tools that are specifically created for making your work place as organized as possible. It will also be cleaned, safe, and efficient that will be able to enhance the visual management, and productivity that will ensure the standardized of working in the company.
5S has a great emphasis on efficiency gains, and aesthetics in which you will be able to achieve by implementing the method. Apart from that, you should be aware with the methodology’s aim and that is the necessity to introduce the operational practices that are standardized to guarantee you of having safe, efficient, and repeatable working ways.
Aside from the standardized working that gives you a good and stable foundation that will boost improvement by implementing the Lean Tools, you will likewise have highly visual workplace. Furthermore, it is a process that should be employed by all people who only work in the area. So, the individuals who do not have the knowledge and do not belong to the group cannot utilize the tool.
5S as a tool comes from the Toyota Production System (TPS) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Nevertheless, there are various individual components such as making efficient and ergonomic work places that are seen to be indebted their origin to individuals such as Frank Gilbreth for his Time and Motion Studies, and Taylor for his Scientific Management. Gilbreth showed that, when the ergonomics of bricklayers working methodologies are being improved, he would be able to lessen the number in individual movements that are required. The output in an hourly manner will be increased from 120 to 350 bricks.
5S is particularly a way that will help you organize your working practices and work place. In the Seiri, you will be supported in sorting, clearing, and classifying. In Seiton, you will straighten, set chronological order, and configure. In Seiso, you will sweep, clean, shine, scrub, and check. In terms of Seiketsu, you will standardize and stabilize. Lastly, when it comes to Shitsuke, you will be able to sustain self-discipline, practice, and custom. In order for you to attain completeness, there are other companies that make it 6S and that is for Safety. But, according to experts, it should be a crucial and salient part to the 5 Steps and not become a separate stage. So, all of these things are truly helpful and beneficial.
5S is definitely a good help when you need to organize your working places. It will be clean, efficient, and safe as well that will totally enhance the productivity and the visual management. Apart from that, the work of every person in the company will be standardized. Likewise, efficiency and aesthetics will be achieved. Therefore, when you need the said services, you can count on the 5S a lot. In addition to that, you will be able to see the difference when you apply the tool at the working place.

— Slimane Zouggari


Poka-yoke is a mistake proofing in Japanese terms. It is a device involved in lean manufacturing used to minimize errors on equipment operators. Its purpose is to identify mistakes and incorrect parts in a product being assembled. It helps in the elimination of defective products by correcting, preventing and detecting the occurrence of human errors. Dr. Shigeo Shingo, a well-known authority in efficiency and quality control in Japan, adopted Poka-yoke as a formalized mistake-proofing concept and later on, it became a part of Toyota’s system of production.
Japan manufacturing is very particular with the quality of their products. They have a Zero Defect Quality Control and Poka-yoke is one of its components. Most Japanese companies perform the Poka-yoke scheme. Dr. Shigeo Shingo knows the value of efficient quality control and regarded this system to be sorting defective items as well as improving the manufacturing process. Poka-yoke is an agile mistake-proof mechanism that is very beneficial to lean manufacturing. It differentiates defects from mistakes and it provides fast feedback on defects and workers can check the quality of their work.
Dr. Shigeo Shingo classified Poka-yoke into 3 types:
1. Contact Method
Contact Method is the type that identifies product defects through testing its physical attributes like shape, color, or size. This method is very useful on situations like infrequent production, rapid repetition or environmental problems.
Examples: Fixed Diameter Holes, Limit switches, Toggle switches UTP cables with RJ45, Screw, fueling area of cars, Ethernet cable plug, analog and discrete sensors, etc.
2. Fixed-Value Method
This method has the ability to alert operators whenever certain movements are not done on the repetitive processes in lean manufacturing. This method has a fixed design wherein there is a fixed number of parts.
Examples: Egg tray, airport luggage cart, shoe-size gauges, etc.
3. Motion-Step Method
This method is responsible for determining if the prescribed steps in the manufacturing process were followed. There must be correct sequence.
Example: The operator needs to step on a pedal every cycle of the assembly; sewing machine, wheelchair, etc.
The Poka-yoke device alerts operators if there will be a mistake happening or if it actually prevented the mistake from happening. Dr. Shingo stated that errors are unavoidable in manufacturing processes. The solution for this is the appropriate implementation of Poka-yokes which would have positive benefits like error elimination and quality improvement, improvement in the capacity of production, simplified housekeeping, safety, lower costs, increased production and flexibility and operators will have improved attitudes.
Poka-yoke is a very important aspect of lean manufacturing in terms of incurring zero defects because defects results to higher cost of production and the need to reworking or eliminating the manufactured product. Using Poka-yoke devices to mistake-proof is necessary so that defects may be reduced and prevent it from happening. With the elimination and reduction of defects, satisfaction levels of customers will increase. There will be quality processes and higher production, workers will be more effective, problems are solved immediately, waste elimination and continuous innovations which equals to first-time product quality.

— Slimane Zouggari