
Everything you need to know about 6S

6S can be considered as 5S + Safety. 5S is a common methodology that people in today’s world follow in order to get their project processes done in an efficient manner. That’s because a new factor called safety comes into play.

What makes 6S different from 5S?

6S is different from 5S due to the additional parameter, which is safety. When Safety is added into 5S, you will be encouraging the employees at the workplace who follow agile organizational structures to keep safety in mind. In fact, they will be able to adhere to safety throughout all the other 5 steps as well.

Applications of 6S

For example, you can go ahead and introduce red colored tags into the items that you are going to remove. In addition to that, you can add yellow colored tags to the EHS hazards. All the items with a red colored tag must go to the central hiding spot. Likewise, the yellow colored items should be evaluated separately and they should be treated in a different way.

While you are straightening, you are provided with the chance to organize all the items, so that you will be able to boost the overall efficiency. While you are doing that, you can keep an eye on safety as well. You are not just placing things in place to boost the productivity, but you also pay attention towards safety problems, such as ergonomic strain that would take place. The additional safety factor will not create any hindrances, but it can deliver a range of benefits to the people who follow 6Sigma at the end of the day. Therefore, you can go for it without keeping any doubts in mind.

— Slimane Zouggari


Everything you need to know about 5S

5S is a popular workplace organization method, which originated in Japan. Along with the effectiveness of it, it has evolved into many other areas as well. In fact, the principles of 5S can be used for ensuring quality in the management process as well. That’s where 5S, which differs slightly from 6Sigma comes into play.

Here’s a quick overview of the five different steps. When you go through these different steps, you will be able to get a better understanding on how it works for agile organizational structures and why you should be thinking about using it.

  • Seiri (Sort)

Seiri is all about figuring out what items are necessary and what are not necessary. Then you can keep the necessary items and make sure that you are working efficiently with them.

  • Seiton (Straighten)

Seiton is the process where you organize and arrange the necessary items, so that you can easily use them.

  • Seiso (Scrubbing)

Seiso is the scrubbing step. In here, you get rid of hindrances and debris to make sure that there are no road blocks.

  • Seiketsu (Standardize)

You develop a standardized system to get the job done.

  • Shitsuke (Sustain)

You are sustaining the new process that you implement to get positive results in the long run.

Why should we be interested about 5S?

In today’s world, it has become important to go ahead and develop mechanisms in project processes with the objective of enhancing the overall work efficiency.  That’s where 5S comes into play.

You can find numerous examples for 5S. For example, staff members in an organization can go ahead and organize materials that they work with while adhering to the above-mentioned steps and get the job done while ensuring effective results at the end of the day. They can improve efficiency of work done at workplace with the help of it.

— Slimane Zouggari

The Toyota Way

Have you ever heard about the Toyota way or “the Toyota way 2001.” It is set of some principles and behaviors that Toyota introduces to underline the production system and managerial approach. These all principles are specially designed to ensure reliability and quality. Toyota is an excellent motor corporation that is manufacturing high-quality motors vehicles as compared to other competitors. The Toyota way explains the philosophy behind Toyota reputation due to management and business principles.

The Toyota way principles:

The Toyota way offers 14 principles categorize in four sections. The Toyota principles are the following:

  1. Management policy should base on long-term philosophy to attract buyers.
  2. Always use the right and continuous system to produce the right results and to solve the problems.

iii.    Avoid over-production and over-use of material.

  1. To Care about people and equipment and minimize the workload.
  2. Anyone in Toyota can stop the working to address the problem and ensure the quality work.
  3. Empowerment of employees for continuous improvement.

vii.    A 5S program that includes sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain.

viii.    Use reliable and tested technology.

  1. Employees should understand the philosophy, work, and technology.
  2. Hire those who can follow Toyota’s philosophy.
  3. Keep a good attitude with suppliers as well.

xii.    Check and balance on working

xiii.    Do not make hurry in taking decisions

xiv.    Be a learning organization, listen to critics, and improve yourself.

Toyota’s six rules:

Toyota prepares six rules for in time and effective manufacturing called “Kanban.” Kanban is a Japanese word means visual card.

  • Defected products will never pass further for the process.
  • The movement of material is made only with Kanban but not without it.
  • Just take those items, which are needed.
  • Stabilize the procedure to limit the pending requests.
  • Always mentioned that the specific item is requested.
  • The supplier should provide material that is required to prevent wastage.

— Slimane Zouggari

Promiscuous Integration

Promiscuous integration is known as a pub-sub framework in which we replicate the data, in the Ruby applications. In this way, out or order updates are removed and new updates are being replicated time to time thus the subscriber always see the updated updates.

How it works

If you are into CI (continuous integration) when it comes to dealing with dependencies what strategy you are planning to use? Many questions are going to arise when you are dealing with dependencies. Now when you check in to the binary dependency then it is quite difficult for you to get the updates time to time. This is the time when you need to make a strategic decision so that all the difficulties can be managed.

PI is providing you with many benefits over CI and you will face less difficulties with working on any project. You can get the updates and it will be your choice that when do you want to get updates.


  • It can replicate from Postgres, Mongo, Redis and ElasticSearch
  • From one application to another it can observe the model changes and known as remote observer.
  • It is able to publish the virtual attribute as well.

Why is it different from Continuous integration?

We need to figure out the fact that on what basis PI is better or different from CI and under what circumstances.

First of all, we will discuss about CI so that we will be able to know how is it different from PI. When you are working with CI, you will not be able to use the VCS. However, the mainline is said to be healthy hence you will be able to release after any commit safely. If you have made a feature which you do not want to release then it will not affect the other functionalities of CI, but it will require to do some masking if you do not want it to be seen.

While working with PI, it will give you many features to work with. You can release the feature with ease and if you do not want to do that then you can hide it from the UI easily, there will not be any kind of hassle for you.

— Slimane Zouggari


What is Ringi

Ringi is a Japanese management style which is used throughout the country. Some of the people who use Agile Software Management (IT) have started to adopt this method of managing as well. Ringi is a very immersive method of management since it basically starts at the bottom levels of a company.

Essentially a Ringi is a sheet of paper which consists of a question which needs to be answered along with it comes all the data the person could find when they initially framed the question. This paper then is passed up the chain of command and signed by all the higher ups until it reaches the top.

This method is a great tool for management since it allows all the people in the chain of command to read the question then understand it and add their points and then approve it. This method makes sure that everyone in the company from the lowest ranked employee to the head of the company reads the issue and agrees with it.

Ringi has been making waves in management styles since it is one of the very few methods that actually makes sure that every segment of the company or organization gets to read the Ringi.

Of course, writing a Ringi is no easy task making it is an art and the person who frames it initially must frame the question in the right words and then condense all the data into one single large page. In America companies who have adapted this method into their management techniques make new employees take lessons so as to frame the perfect Ringi so that the higher ups don’t have any problems reading and understanding it. At its essence, the Ringi incorporates three important features Reporting, Informing and Collaboration which allows a company to thrive.

— Slimane Zouggari

Management 3.0

When Agile software management (IT) took off, it was a success why? Because it grouped individual thinkers into teams. These teams learned as they worked and evolved according to the needs of the customers. Agile systems became famous and was taken on by many organizations.

Management 3.0 is a workshop under the umbrella term of Agile which helps individuals to understand what leadership is and how to manage a proper cohesive team under this specific software management. It is based on principles and ideas so that the working man can get a fair transparent salary and actually be proud of what they are doing.

How does it work

Essentially Management 3.0 makes workers happy makes them care about the work they are doing and when they feel a sense of pride in their work they will want to better it and perfect there work in turn they will make the customer happy. Management 3.0 is a workshop where it teaches individuals to be happy about their job to benefit the customer. This work shop not only teaches the workers how to be better at their jobs but also makes the leader a better boss. When a leader becomes efficient at their job they will have all the time in the world to have fun since the people working for the leader will know how to act efficiently without the constant input from the boss. The Management 3.0 workshop instils in a leader a sense of management and how they can delegate tasks to make everyone’s lives easier. It is a method to make the leader or the boss motivate the team so that they can perform at optimum capacity. This creates an atmosphere were competence is valued and the ultimate performing team can learn as they work which will bring success instead of failure.

— Slimane Zouggari

Lean Business Case

Lean case is the pathway that works with Lean business plan. Every Business needs some essential things for the success and growth of business so the lean plan contains these essentials such as Strategy, marketing tactics, offering tactics, financial tactics, forecasts of sales, metrics, schedule, costs, expenses, milestones, assumptions and cash. It is not documented and already decided plan, it is a streamlined plan which is being updated with time for forwarding business. So, it could be presented to the lenders and the investors for the establishment of business any further.

Principles of Lean Business Case

It can take time for the management practices to update anything like technologies, environment and development that are continuously evolving. Think about this for a while that the senior people of the organization do not want any changes in the rules and plans of the business then that kind of their behavior is harmful for the success of the business. So, that’s why the old business personalities will not be able run their businesses effectively anymore.

Let’s discuss main principles of the Lean Case;

  1. Strategic:

Add new strategies in your business on the demands of market and environment. This obviously will be useful and supporting for the success of your business.

  1. Hypotheses:

You should make hypotheses, do experiment according to the market demand and repeat them until you do not get the desire results. Sometimes you will experience that the results will remain same because some facts do not change.

  1. Little Bets:

By using cheap lean experiment and quick strategies, make small gambles to decrease the cost of loss and to increase the rate of success. It is the best way to get success that you have a lot of ideas.

  1. Focus on outcomes:

Always focusing on the upcoming goals or outcomes, and not restricting the outputs and plan should be directional. Use different and new methodologies which are evolving for your business model.

— Slimane Zouggari

Blind men and the elephant

Blind men and the Elephant is the story of six blind men who are trying to describe picture by touching. They found a picture and these sightless people did not know about it so they were doing effort to recognise and comprehend the picture. Someone is telling after touching its ears that it is fan, second one tells his tail, a rope. Same like this the other four persons describe this object with the help of their own perception.


By this story we get a simple theory about things or situations and anything else that we cannot understand just by observing. We can get the idea by questioning and discussion.

Transposition to Software Development:

They should have guessed the tail as a tail, if the blind people knew about the picture that it is an elephant. Same like this, you can find different stories in the field of business and software development. If they are developing or producing something and they do not know about that what they are producing and what is its purpose even the owner of the product does not know about the real purpose of the product as well then it will become useless and time wasting. Anyone do not want to go in such situation so they should avoid it. The team must be raising the questions and they should be arguing about the product. By this they can get the main purpose of making the product clearly and so that they will be able to produce the required product efficiently.

No doubt, people have a tendency that they can represent their experiences as this is the whole truth but which is not; they do not like to listen or consider the experiences of other people. They should consider the experiences of other people and the experiences they have in software development to get the project done in the best way.

— Slimane Zouggari

Conway’s law

There is a need of project management software when a company is working on many projects at a time, they need to understand the business goals much better. If they are working on it and they think that there is no mistake in it but they get surprised the results are not same as the expected ones.

What is their mistake? Well, they ignored and neglected the importance of the Conway’s law. This is not considered as some scientific law but it is an effective plan for the organizations and its effects can be seen in the companies that are working in software development.

Now organizations have a need of this law in order to achieve the business goals set by them. People structure needs to be implemented so that all they teams must be aligned in an order to get the architecture of the software they need.

How it works

All you need to do is to map out the whole organization and then decide that does it meets the phases of the development process or not. If the organizational structure and development process are matched then what will be next when you are going to introduce Agile/Lean that is a different process flow?

As we know that all the departments are preoccupied with their local and internal efficiency. The concern of agile is about the overall efficiency of the process.

There is an important role of Conway’s Law in the construction of all the systems of the organization. This is due to the fact that the construction of all the products can eventually redirect that how the teams are communicating with each other and how the communication structure goes.

When the technical department is having all the technical abilities and their work is focused on the UI of one group, other group is doing process management, other one is looking on the infrastructure, another is checking the database, one of the groups is looking on the implementation of the business logic on the server; now communication structure must be defined so that all these groups can work with each other through communication.

So, Conway’s Law means structuring the working teams up for the betterment of the company.

— Slimane Zouggari

Takt time

Takt is basically a German word for the person in the orchestra whose work is to adjust and control to tempo on the music. So when we use Takt time then it means that we are talking about the rate time or beat time. We can say that when it is the time duration that is given to a product to complete so that we can meet the customer’s demands.

Let us take an example here, if a company is having a takt time of 10 minutes for the completion of the product then they will set the time to 10 minutes to produce the product in the machine. In this way the machine will produce the desired product every 10 minutes. If the takt time is one hour then we will set the time to one hour so that we should not exceed the deadline.

It is not actually the time in which a product is produced but it is the time that how we can meet the demand of the customer in the provided time.

Different Levels of Takt time

There are not many levels of takt time, the levels mean that how much you have to manage in how time. The means if you have multiple projects to work on then you will have to manage all of them simultaneously then you have to make different levels of takt time in order to manage them, then you can have a minute by minute report. You can clear all the distractions and disruptions coming all your way in the project.

It is the best tool you can use to manage your projects and it works effectively that you can create mantras for every minute you are working. Moreover, if any of the process is unable to get to work in takt time then you will have to level the demand, ask the engineering resources to take a look on the issue, and can check additional resources in order to get along with the takt time.

— Slimane Zouggari